Hyperbook Documentation


Hyperbook is a quick and easy way to build interactive workbooks, that support modern standards and run superfast. It works by compiling markdown to static pages.

Hyperbook makes writing interactive workbooks super simple while providing a good feature set.

You do not need any coding experience. You only need to create and edit Markdown files.

Getting Started

  1. Run npx hyperbook new and follow the wizard to create your first Hyperbook.
  2. Run npx hyperbook dev to start the development server.
  3. Modify or add new pages to your Hyperbook.
  4. Run npx hyperbook build to create static HTML files.
  5. Upload the static HTML files to your server.


We are happy to hear from you, if you need custom support or features for your application.

Hyperbook is maintained by OpenPatch, an organization for educational assessments and training. If you need help or create a Hyperbook get in touch.

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